
Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This human being is a guest house
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond. - RUMI

Fiinta umana este o casa de oaspeti

In fiecare dimineata o noua sosire.

O bucurie, o depresie, o mediocritate,

Vine si o constientizare de moment

Ca un vizitator neasteptat.

Primeste-i si bucura-te de toti!

Chiar daca sunt un grup de suparari,

Care iti golesc cu violenta casa de obiectele ei,

Totusi trateaza-ti fiecare oaspete cu onoare.

El te poate “goli” pentru o noua placere.

Gandurile negre, rusinea, rautatea,

Intampina-le la poarta razand,

Si invita-le inauntru.

Fii recunoscator pentru oricine vine

Pentru ca fiecare a fost trimis

Ca o calauzire din departari.

Don’t worry about finding a white-haired teacher.

Merging with ocean-love has nothing to do with age or the color of anyone’s hair. - RUMI

Nu te ingrijora cu privire la a gasi un invatator cu parul alb.

Unirea in oceanul iubirii nu are nimic de-a face cu varsta sau culoarea nimanui.

Never think that you are worthless.

God has paid an enormous amount for you, and the gifts keep arriving. - RUMI

Nu te gandi niciodata ca esti fara valoare.

Dumnezeu a platit un pret enorm pentru tine, iar darurile se tot revarsa.

Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. - RUMI

Fiecare om a fost creat pentru o munca anume, iar dorinta pentru acea munca a fost pusa in fiecare inima.

When I remember your love

I weep, and when I hear people talking of you

Something in my chest,

Where nothing much happens now,

Moves as in sleep. - RUMI

Cand imi aduc aminte de iubirea ta

Plang, si cand aud lumea vorbind de tine

Ceva in pieptul meu,

Unde nu prea multe se petrec acum,

Se misca precum in somn.

If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished? -RUMI

Daca te irita orice frecus, cum vei fi lustruit?

Open to me, so that I may open.

Provide me Your inspiration,

So that I might see mine. - RUMI

Deschide-Te mie, ca sa pot sa ma deschid.

Ofera-mi inspiratia Ta,

Pentru a o putea vedea si pe a mea.

Everything in the Universe is within you. Look for it there. - RUMI

Orice lucru din Univers se afla in tine. Cauta-l acolo.

Let not your tongue mention the shame of another;

For you yourself are covered in shame and all men have tongues. - IMAM SHAFI'I

Nu-ti lasa limba sa vorbeasca despre rusina altuia;

Pentru ca tu insuti esti acoperit de rusine si toti oamenii au limbi.

Your task is not to seek for love,

but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself

that you have built against it. - RUMI

Sarcina ta nu este sa cauti iubirea,

Ci doar sa cauti si sa gasesti toate obstacolele aflate in tine

Pe care le-ai construit impotriva ei.

God turns you from one feeling to another

And teaches you by means of opposites,

So that you will have two wings to fly – not one. - RUMI

Dumnezeu te intoarce de la un sentiment la altul

Si te invata cu ajutorul opozitiilor/dualitatii

Ca sa ai doua aripi cu care sa zbori – nu una.

One went to the door of the Beloved and knocked.

A voice asked, “Who’s there?”

He answered, ”It is I”

The voice said, “There is no room for Me and You”.

The door was shut.

After an year of solitude and deprivation he returned and knocked.

A voice from within asked, “Who’s there?”

The man said, “It is You”.

The door was opened for him. - RUMI

Cineva a ajuns la usa Preiubitului si a ciocanit.

O voce a intrebat, “Cine e?”

El a raspuns, “Sunt Eu”

Vocea a spus, “Nu exista nicio camera pentru Mine si Tine”

Usa s-a inchis.

Dupa un an de singuratate si depravare el s-a intors si a ciocanit.

O voce din interior a intrebat, “Cine e?”

Omul a spus, “Sunt Tu”.

Usa a fost deschisa pentru el.

Sursa: facebook

30 septembrie - aniversarea lui Rumi
via shakukah

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hummus: The Rap

Mamak Khadem " Baz Amadam "

Ya Dhal Anliya

Ya Dhal Anliya PDF Imprimer Envoyer

Ecouter le kassuda :

« Allah très Haut a dit: ‹O fils d`Adam, tant que tu M`invoqueras et mettras ton espoir en Moi, je te pardonnerai les péchés dont tu te seras chargé, sans Me soucier de leur grand nombre. O fils d`Adam, si tes péchés atteignent toute l`étendue visible du ciel, et qu`alors tu implores mon pardon, je te pardonnerai. O fils d`Adam, si tu viens à Moi, ayant rempli la terre de tes péchés et qu`alors tu Me rencontres cependant que tu n`associes personne d`autre à moi, je te donnerai de quoi la remplir autant de pardon ».

Monday, September 6, 2010